I liked "Finding Dory" better than "Finding Nemo." I realize this is a controversial opinion, but let me explain. First of all: the production value of both meet the same level of excellence. Now, the story in "Nemo" is more compelling and the pacing is better, due in part to the grand scale of the setting; in "Nemo," the majority of the film takes place all across the ocean, while "Dory" is, for the most part, confined to a small space.
Here's the thing. I am mentally ill. It is a chronic, progressive illness, and it affects me both cognitively and emotionally. I never see movies where a character--let alone a loveable main character--is cognitively impaired, or disabled, and did not spend the entirety of the movie being so brave for dealing with their disability, or being reduced to a tragic character. The people around Dory, too, aren't portrayed as brave or burdened by her condition, either. They make concessions for her, but they're only finding ways to interact with her that will keep her safe and happy without babying her. I am getting sicker. It has become evident that I may become so ill that I will not be able to live alone. Dory cannot live alone; she needs the people who love her to help her. But they don't mind. They don't suffer. They remodel their lives to fit her into it, and they do it because they love her. I cannot express how seeing this in media made me feel. Like my illness didn't mean that I was wrong, just different. That I wasn't a burden on the people around me; they change their lives for me the way I change my life for them, and for the same reason--because that's what you do for people you love. So maybe "Finding Nemo" is a better movie. But "Finding Dory" is a more *important* movie.